The bid from Iberogaine, the Spanish Rogaining Association, along with two clubs - Club Deportivo Navarra and Gipuzkoako Orientazio Taldea - received the best score in the vote among the IRF European councillors and observers. Hence Spain will host the 13th European Rogaining Championships in 2016.
The event is scheduled to take place 27-28 August 2016 in Aralar range in northwest of Navarra and southeast of Basque country with event center in Lekunberri. 
Lauri Leppik
IRF Vice-President

To the attention of European councillors and observers,
Four bids have been submitted to host ERC in 2016 (in the order of submission): Italy, Finland, Ukraine, Spain
I would like to thank all bidders. It is great to see high interest in hosting ERC.
Please study carefully the attached bids. Please also consult with your rogaining committees.
I will call a ranking vote on these bids on 1 December.
In selecting the host of the 13ERC2016 we shall follow guidelines similar to those as agreed in respect of awarding the WRC, in particular placing focus on the following key aspects:
-    Quality of the terrain to provide enjoyable, challenging and fair competition worthy of European championships;
-    Previous experience of the organizing team demonstrating the ability to ensure a high quality event.
Lauri Leppik 
IRF Vice President
Download this file (ERC2016 bid Finland.pdf)ERC2016 bid Finland[ ]1022 kB
Download this file (ERC2016 bid Italy.pdf)ERC2016 bid Italy[ ]344 kB
Download this file (ERC2016 bid Spain (Iberogaine).pdf)ERC2016 bid Spain[ ]868 kB
Download this file (ERC2016 bid Ukraine.pdf)ERC2016 bid Ukraine[ ]1018 kB
Download this file (ERC2016 terrain Italian bid.jpg)ERC2016 bid Italy map[ ]3309 kB
Download this file (ERC2016 terrain Ukrainian bid.jpg)ERC2016 bid Ukraine map[ ]423 kB

To the attention of rogaining event organisers of European countries. The IRF is calling for bids from European rogaining groups to organize the 12th European Rogaining Championships in 2015. The general conditions and the format of bids in the enclosed document. The deadline for submitting bids is 15 December 2013.

Download this file (ERC2015 call for bids.pdf)ERC2015 call for bids[ ]300 kB

To the attention of European members and observers,

Two bids have been received to host 12th European Rogaining Championships in 2015 - from Czech Republic and Ukraine. Take note of the proposed dates of the event, which are respectively 24-25 May 2015 (Ukraine) and 27-28 June 2015 (Czech Republic). Ukraine has previously hosted ERCs twice (2006 and 2010). Czech Republic has not hosted an ERC, but has hosted WRCs twice (2002 and 2012). However, both bids suggest areas and terrains which are different from previous championships hosted by these countries and also the organising groups are different. Please consult with your rogaining committees and make up your preference. A vote on these bids will be called on 6 January 2014.


Lauri Leppik


Download this file (ERC2015 bid Czech Republic.pdf)ERC2015 bid Czech Republic[ ]2349 kB
Download this file (ERC2015 bid Ukraine.pdf)ERC2015 bid Ukraine[ ]931 kB

Registration - 12WRC 2014 South Dakota, USA - - from the web site

"Entry for 12WRC2014 has two steps: application, then registration within phases. The timeline is outlined below.

  1. 1.Starting on November 1st, all interested individuals apply for entry using the 12WRC2014 link below.

  2. 2.During Phase One, those individuals with automatic and preferred pre-qualified entrant status are given entry preference for the first two weeks. 

  3. 3.E-mail invitations will be sent to successful applicants providing the registration link and access code.

  4. 4.Phase One closes, Phase Two opens on November 15th.

  5. 5.E-mail invitations to successful Phase Two applicants.

  6. 6.Successful Phase One applicants confirm entry no later than December 6th.

  7. 7.Phase Two closes, Phase Three opens December 13th.

  8. 8.E-mail invitations to successful Phase Three applicants. 

  9. 9.Successful Phase Two applicants confirm entry by January 3rd, 2014. 

  10. 10.Phase Three applicants must confirm within three weeks of invitation.

  11. 11.Registration is limited to 1000 participants and will close on or before August 1st, 2014."
