Update - 21st December 2016
"REMINDER! All teams that are registered and invited to confirm their entry by making a payment during any Phase, must do it within a period of 3 weeks. If you fail to do it, your team will lose its status and will be moved to the end of the waitlist for reconsideration during Phase 3.
For more information, please see Bulletin 2: http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/bulletin-2
Do not miss to use Early Bird entry fee!" From the event web site - http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/
Up date - 3rd December 2016
"Dear councillors [IRF],
Please inform all rogainers in your countries via national websites and e-mail lists about the opening of entries to WRC2017 as from today.
For online entry form please see http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/
Phase 1 of entries runs from 1 December to 14 December 2016.
Pre-qualified rogainers (http://pqe.rogaining.org/qualified.html) shall register during this phase to secure their preferred entry status.
All others can register as well.
The entry limit is 1000.
Lauri Leppik
WRC2017 IRF Event Advisor"
End 3rd December 2016 Update
Registration for World Rogaining Championships 2017 Latvia - WRC2017 Latvia -opens 1st December 2016. Details regarding the entry process have been puiblished by the organisers on the event web site - http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/ .
The rogaine is planned for the 18th and 19th August 2017. The organisers have published very inviting video and photographs of the rogaine area.