Dakota Rogaining Championships 2012 Recap

Dakota Rogaining Championships 2012 Recap - 12WRC2014 Hosts

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WRC Czech Republic - 28.8.2012 - WRC Map



"The map for WRC 2012 has been printed. Some stats on this huge project:
Area 300 km2, 60x43 cm format, printed on Tyvek. Scale 1:40000, E=10m. Highest point Auersberg 1018 m, lowest point Svatava River 490 m. 4400 kms of contours, 1770 kms of tracks/roads, 143 lakes, 5 km2 of bogs and 740 km of streams and rivers. 5 km2 of settlement and 42 crosses."  more here from the 10th WRC 2012 Czech Republic web site http://www.rogaining.cz/wrc2012/en/


Getting Started

  • Do you enjoy the outdoors? If so rogaining may be for you and your friends and family
  • Beginners and children are welcome on all events.
  • Contact your regional rogaining group - Contact the IRF Council and Executive and Rogaining Events Calendar.
  • Find what events are on - Rogaining Events and Rogaining Links.
  • Choose your team - friends or relatives who are happy to go at your pace.
  • A little training - if your fit to walk in the outdoors then you are fit enough to begin - being fitter helps but isn't necessary.
  • Learn a little about navigating with a map and compass.
    A good source of information is the book, Rogaining: Cross-Country Navigation.
  • Comfortable walking or jogging shoes are important.
  • Clothing should be comfortable and flexible, able to cope with cool and hot weather.
  • Get a rogaining or orienteering compass. The event organizers will give you a list of other equipment.
  • Have fun. No-one cares how fast or slow you travel as long as you enjoy yourselves.


  • IRF Newsletters

    IRF Newsletters are published routinely covering specific subjects or general matters that may be of interest to rogainers and rogaining leaders.