Motion passed: to exclude Russian and Belarus competitors from WRC and ERC events until end 2023

The motion passed by 11 votes to 7, [with five people abstaining and observers voting 2 For and 1 Against].
Many people who voted found this choice difficult, as shown by the high number of people who abstained and by comments about the tragedy of the situation in Ukraine and that individual rogainers are not responsible for this tragedy.
Motion passed: 
That all competitors from Russia and Belarus will be banned from competing in all World Rogaining Championships and European Rogaining Championships until the end of 2023.

Moved Volodymyr Lipka
Seconded  Jari Kaaja

Organisers of WRC and ERC events will not need to check the nationality or passports of entrants. If there is concern about any particular individual, they will be able to compete if they can show they hold a passport from a country other than Russia or Belarus. 
Rod Phillips
IRF Secretary
July 2022

IRF Council unamimously passes motion opposing Russian Government actions

The IRF Council has voted unanimously on the following motion.

MOTION PASSED 4 April 2022

  1. The IRF Executive and Council strongly oppose the actions of the Russian Government to invade the sovereign Nation of Ukraine. We wish for a rapid withdrawal of Russian troops and for the return of peace to Ukraine and Europe.
  2. The IRF will not sanction any event to be held in Russia or Belarus until the end of June, 2023.
  3. At any event sanctioned by the IRF until the end of June, 2023, no person can compete under any variant of the country name Russia or Belarus. No flags or other national symbols of these countries can be used, including by competitors. Because individual rogainers are not selected by any country and do not represent countries, any individual can compete in IRF sanctioned events provided they follow these restrictions and compete under another label such as ‘other’ or ‘international'.

Moved Julie Quinn (Vice President)
Seconded Matt Bixley (President)

17th World Rogaining Championships 2022 Results

WRC2022 forest

Results, photos and analysis from the 17th World Rogaining Championships held in Czech Republic 26-27 August 2022 in the Králický Sněžník and Rychleby Mountains along the Czech-Polish border.

Event Website


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